So, why is it when we tell ourselves we are going to do something, that it becomes that much harder to get done? If I just decide impulsivly to dust, it gets done quickly and and I feel great afterwards. If I decide first thing in the morning that the house needs dusted, I seem never to actually get to it and promise myself that I will do it tomorrow. And the funny thing is I do it all the time. However, more times than not, when I tell myself that, I have the self discipline to get it done. Nothing makes me angrier faster though, then when my husband does the same thing. He can tell me he's going to do something and a week later it still is undone. How then, ladies out there do we motivate our men to do their 'chores'? Sex can't be the ultimate motivator. Sometimes that just isn't in the cards. So the time old question is how to get men to do what we want them to do without bribary.... Another unanswerable question of mine. I've tried the, well if he doesn't care, then I don't do it either and he'll see how fast things get messy. But men are so adaptable, they can live in any environment and make it work. As a father, my husband hasn't only played the lazy husband card but has gotten in the habit of pointing out to me when our daughter has done something that needs attended to as well. For example, she will spit up and my husband will say, "oh she spit up, you better get that." Ummmm. He saw her do it but I need to come across the room and wipe it up because it's gross? Why do men assume that we automatically are responsible for anything disgusting? When we are sick, we are still responsible for keeping house, and taking care of the kids. IF he's sick, the world stops turning, and I better be ready to wait on him hand and foot because there is no way I have ever felt as bad as he does. Well such is life and I didn't mean to turn this entry into a whine fest rather than to giggle out loud at the funny expectations that men have of women. And after making that statement, where do men get those ideas? Does it go back to the saying that men marry women who subconsiously remind them of their mothers therefore they expect those same women to take care of them the way the mothers always have? These are just a few thoughts I have regarding the highly irrational expectations men have of their significant others... I love hearing these stories and trying to make sense of them. When the probable conclusion is that men don't make sense. So why try?
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Amen! I've almost given up trying to ponder all those little facts! But I still get irritated when things don't get done or he can do something just as good as I can but he whines because he actually has to do it...